2020/09 口頭発表
辻慎也, 荒井隆行, “一側性難聴における音楽感受、および音楽活動への影響・順応の検討-質問紙調査を中心として-,” 日本音響学会秋季研究発表会講演論文集, pp. 967–970, Sep. 2020.
S. Tsuji and T. Arai, “Music appreciation and adaptation for those with unilateral hearing loss: A questionnaire survey,” Proc. Autumn Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 967–970, Sep. 2020 (in Japanese).
2020/11 Letter論文出版(査読つき)
S. Tsuji and T. Arai, “Music appreciation and adaptation for those with unilateral hearing loss and single-sided deafness: A questionnaire survey using a social networking service,” Acoust. Sci. Tech., Vol. 41, No. 6, pp. 833–836, Nov. 2020.
2022/03 口頭発表
辻慎也, 荒井隆行, “一側性難聴における音楽感受,および音楽活動への影響の検討-一側性難聴をもつ音楽家の語りから-,” 日本音響学会春季研究発表会講演論文集, pp. 1261–1264, Mar. 2022.
S. Tsuji and T. Arai, “Recognition of music for those with unilateral hearing loss: An interview survey,” Proc. Spring Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 1261–1264, Mar. 2022 (in Japanese).
2023/01 口頭発表
辻慎也, 荒井隆行, “一側性難聴者の残響下での文章了解度・方向性マスキング解除の検討,” 日本音響学会音声コミュニケーション研究会資料, pp. 1−6, Jan. 2023.
S. Tsuji and T. Arai, “Speech intelligibility in noise and spatial release from masking under reverberation for those with unilateral hearing loss,” Proceedings of the Technical Committee on Speech Communication The Acoustical Society of Japan, Vol. 3, No. 1, SC-2023-2, pp. 1−6, Jan. 2023 (in Japanese).
2023/03 口頭発表
辻慎也, 荒井隆行, “発症から長期間経過した一側性難聴者が示す残響下のモノラル受聴における文章了解度の改善と方向性マスキング解除について,” 日本音響学会春季研究発表会講演論文集, pp. 555–558, Mar. 2023.
S. Tsuji and T. Arai, “Those with longstanding unilateral hearing loss indicate some improvement in release from masking of reverberation and spatial release from masking under reverberation for speech recognition comparing monaural listeners with normal hearing,” Proc. Spring Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 555–558, Mar. 2023 (in Japanese).
2023/03 口頭発表 [スペシャルセッション]
辻慎也, 荒井隆行, “一側性難聴者が伴奏下のメロディ聴取のために両耳聴より大きな音圧を必要とすることについて -残響の影響・方向性マスキング解除の検討-,” 日本音響学会春季研究発表会講演論文集, pp. 965–968, Mar. 2023.
S. Tsuji and T. Arai, “Those with unilateral hearing loss require more sound pressure of melody than binaural listeners to hear out a melody from accompaniment: Investigation of the effect of reverberation and spatial release from masking ,” Proc. Spring Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 965–968, Mar. 2023 (in Japanese).
2023/09 口頭発表
辻慎也, 荒井隆行, “一側性難聴者の文章了解度・方向性マスキング解除の検討 -無響・残響下の比較-,” 日本音響学会音声コミュニケーション研究会資料, Vol. 3, No. 4, SC-2023-21, pp. 19−24, Sep. 2023.
S. Tsuji and T. Arai, “Speech recognition and spatial release from masking for those with unilateral hearing loss: A comparison of hearing under anechoic and reverberant environments,” Proceedings of the Technical Committee on Speech Communication, The Acoustical Society of Japan, Vol. 3, No. 4, SC-2023-21, pp. 19−24, Sep. 2023 (in Japanese).
2023/09 口頭発表
辻慎也, 荒井隆行, “一側性難聴者の残響下での文章了解度・方向性マスキング解除の検討 -雑音下・競合音声下聴取の比較-,” 日本音響学会秋季研究発表会, pp. 933–936, Sep. 2023.
S. Tsuji and T. Arai, “An investigation of speech recognition and spatial release from masking under reverberation for those with unilateral hearing loss: A comparison of speech intelligibility under noise and that under competitive speech,” Proc. Autumn Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 933–936, Sep. 2023 (in Japanese).
2023/09 口頭発表
辻慎也, 荒井隆行, “一側性難聴者の残響下での時間分解能の検討 -狭帯域雑音による無音検出課題を用いて-,” 日本音響学会秋季研究発表会, pp. 807–810, Sep. 2023.
S. Tsuji and T. Arai, “An investigation of temporal resolution under reverberation for those with unilateral hearing loss: Using gap detection tasks of narrow band noise,” Proc. Autumn Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 807–810, Sep. 2023 (in Japanese).
2023/11 Journal論文出版(査読つき)
S. Tsuji and T. Arai, “Hearing deficits and adaptation for those with unilateral hearing loss under reverberation,” Acoust. Sci. Tech., Vol. 44, No. 6, pp. 419–430, Nov. 2023.
2024/02 解説論文出版
辻慎也, 荒井隆行, “一側性難聴者の受聴特性および音楽活動への影響,” 騒音制御, Vol. 48, No. 1, pp. 23–28, Feb. 2024.
S. Tsuji and T. Arai, “Hearing characteristics of those with unilateral hearing loss and its effect on music activities,” The Journal of the Institute of Noise Control Engineering of Japan, Vol. 48, No. 1, pp. 23−28, Feb. 2024 (in Japanese).
2024/03 口頭発表
荒井隆行, 鈴木良平, Chandler Earp, 辻慎也, "声道模型による音声のダイナミックスを再現する試み," 日本音響学会春季研究発表会講演論文集, pp. 663–664, Mar. 2024.
T. Arai, R. Suzuki, C. Earp and S. Tsuji, "PC-controlled vocal-tract models for speech dynamics," Proc. Spring Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 663–664, Mar. 2024 (in Japanese).
2024/03 口頭発表
辻慎也, 荒井隆行, "一側性難聴者の残響下での音声聴取に関わる要因の検討," 日本音響学会春季研究発表会講演論文集, pp. 695–698, Mar. 2024.
S. Tsuji and T. Arai, "An investigation of what factors affect speech recognition under reverberation for individuals with unilateral hearing loss," Proc. Spring Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 695–698, Mar. 2024 (in Japanese).
2024/09 口頭発表(Proc.つき国際会議)
T. Arai, R. Suzuki, E. Chandler, S. Tsuji and K. Ochi, “Production of phrases by mechanical models of the human vocal tract,” Proc. of INTERSPEECH, Kos, pp. 987−988, Sep. 2024.
2024/11 口頭発表(国際会議)
T. Arai, C. Nakagawa, R. Suzuki, C. Earp and S. Tsuji, “Tongue bracing for improved control of vocal-tract model,” 187th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Nov. 2024.
2024/12 Letter論文(査読つき)
S. Tsuji, H. Kashima, T. Arai, T. Sugimoto, K. Kinoshita and Y. Nakayama, “Perception of speech uttered as speaker faces different directions in horizontal plane: Identification of speaker’s facing directions from the listener,” Acoust. Sci. Tech., Vol. 46, 2025 (advance online publication).
2025/03 口頭発表(招待あり)
辻慎也, "音声生成の物理モデルの諸分野における応用例 -上智大学荒井研究室と関わる事例から-," 日本音響学会音声コミュニケーション研究会資料, Vol. 5, Mar. 2025 (招待講演).
S. Tsuji, "Some applications of physical models for speech production in various fields -A perspective from Arai Laboratory at Sophia University-," Proc. of the Technical Committee on Speech Communication, Vol. 5, Mar. 2025 (Invited Talk, in Japanese).
2025/03 口頭発表
荒井隆行, 中川千沙希, 川端千尋, 鈴木良平, 辻慎也, “調音のダイナミックスを考慮した声道模型の動きと出力音声の関係,” 日本音響学会春季研究発表会講演論文集, pp. 875–878, Mar. 2025.
T. Arai, C. Nakagawa, C. Kawabata, R. Suzuki and S. Tsuji, "Relationship between movements and output speech sounds of vocal-tract models taking articulatory dynamics into consideration," Proc. Spring Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 875–878, Mar. 2025 (in Japanese).
2025/03 口頭発表
辻慎也, 荒井隆行, “一側性難聴者が残響下での聴取に適応していく機序に関する検討 -ガンマトーンフィルタバンクによる刺激を用いて-,” 日本音響学会春季研究発表会講演論文集, pp. 713–716, Mar. 2025.
S. Tsuji and T. Arai, “An investigation into how individuals with unilateral hearing loss adapt to hearing in reverberant environments: Using stimuli processed by a gammatone filter bank,” Proc. Spring Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 713–716, Mar. 2025 (in Japanese).